NEW Powerful Testimony
Daughter Healed of Autism
Reaching the nations
2.5 Million Homes
As 2022 comes to an end there is a greater need than ever before to reach the nations with the Gospel. Will you help us reach 2.5 million additional homes?
The Mission
Our mission is clear. Souls, Israel and Revival. As 2022 comes to an end, there is an even greater need for salvation, standing with Israel and sparking revival around the world.
Our goal is to reach an additional 2.5 million homes, will you help us? Today is the day to step into your calling… to stand up… to be bold… to change lives. Today is your day.
Souls – People giving their lives to Jesus
Israel – Blessing the nation of Israel
Revival – Sparking revival around the world
Standing With You
As a partner with GOD TV, you become a media missionary… and because of that we want to pour into you and help you grow in your walk with the Lord. Click the button below to see how GOD TV supports our partners.
Daily 3-5min Videos to help you start your day with the Lord
24/7 access to teaching, preaching, worship and prayer
Weekly Digital Bible Studies and Guides - Free Resources
Daily Facebook Lives where you can be ministered to by a member of our team LIVE
Prayer team you can call when you need someone to stand in faith with you
Online Community for Men - Standard
Online Community for Women - Relentless Woman
Monthly Family Huddles - A time to come together virtually and be encouraged
The goal is to reach an additional 2.5 million homes, will you help us?
Your $50/month partnership allows us to reach 5,000 more homes! That’s right—for just $50/month you can bring the life-changing message of Jesus to thousands. Jesus said, “Therefore, go into all the earth and make disciples…”
GOD TV testimonies
Broadcast’s Impact
Hear how GOD TV has imacted her life through television
Digital Salvations
How GOD TV is impacting lives on social media
Thank You Partners!
Thank you GOD TV Partners! You are making an eternal difference in lives all around the world. Together we’re bringing the Gospel to every corner of the world through digital media. If you aren’t part of the GOD TV family yet, we would love for you to join us!
GOD TV viewers aren’t just numbers, they’re real people…
Homes reached across the globe with the Gospel.
Followers across all of our social networks.
Email sends per month; digitally discipling people around the globe.